At Loan Fox Inc. we specialize in helping clients acquire the right financing for their home. A popular loan option for many people around the country is an FHA Loan. This loan is great for those looking for a lower down payment and more affordable monthly payments.
An FHA loan is federally insured by the Federal Housing Administration. These loans are insured by the US government but are available through private licensed FHA lenders. FHA loans were established in the 1930s during the Great Depression and have given lower income Americans access to home ownership.
This loan type requires mortgage insurance from the Federal Housing Administration. This upfront mortgage insurance premium (UFMIP) is equal to 1.75 percent of the base loan amount added to the loan at closing.and .85 % monthly mortgage insurance premium in the payment.
FHA mortgage insurance are flat rated, not based on credit score, so it is better for people with scores under 700. It is also more reasonable with down payment under 5%- Conventional has a 3% option, but the Conventional MI at the 3% down is higher, so sometime FHA gives us a better total payment Mortgage insurance is mandatory on all FHA loans whether they exceed 80% of the loan to value (refinances) value or purchase price (Purchases).
The Mortgage Insurance on FHA loans is there for the entire life of the loan and must be refinanced to a conventional loan to remove or reduce the MI. The main difference is it allows for less income and lower credit scores than conventional, so if it is all you qualify for it is still the best loan available.
FHA is most useful in one other way. If your property is a manufactured home, there is very limited availability for conventional loans. We do not offer conventional loans for manufactured homes, but we do manufactured homes with FHA/VA or USDA – See manufactured housing for further details.
Lenders offering this loan type are approved by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Each lender is able to set their rates and at Loan Fox Inc. we are able to offer some of the most competitive around the country.
There are several factors which will help determine your rate such as debt-to-income ratio, payment history on other debts, and your FICO credit score. Those with a score lower than 620 typically have a higher rate.
The FHA loan program is designed to help low to moderate income Americans gain access to affordable home ownership. The loan program allows first time home buyers to put as little as 3.5 % down and receive up to 6% towards closing costs.
Although an FHA loan was originally created to stimulate the housing market in the 1930s, it is still very popular today. As one of the most common loan types, we are able to offer great customer service paired with very competitive rates to make sure that your home purchase is a positive experience.
Contact us at one of our locations today for a quick and easy quote to make your first step towards owning your home!
Click Here!
203k Program information
Loan Fox Inc. is a leader in this industry and we will assist you in making this process as effortless as possible. Included in this package is information that you will find helpful as we work together toward the closing of your loan.
Please take the time out to review all of the information. If you have any questions, please call our office.
That's all it takes! Once our office receives the above information from you, we will submit that information to the underwriter as well as to the appraiser.
Thank you for choosing Loan Fox to help you with your financial needs.
Drew Richman NMLS# 289152
The Back to Work Program allows extenuating circumstances for financing for borrowers who experienced a negative economic event!
What are some of the economic event related items?
Lender must verify as follows:
Energy Efficient Mortgage Program
FHA's Energy Efficient Mortgage program (EEM) helps homebuyers or homeowners save money on utility bills by enabling them to finance the cost of adding energy efficiency features to new or existing housing as part of their FHA insured home purchase or refinancing mortgage.
In 1992, Congress mandated a pilot demonstration of Energy Efficient Mortgages (EEMs) in five states. In 1995, the pilot was expanded as a national program.
EEMs recognize that reduced utility expenses can permit a homeowner to pay a higher mortgage to cover the cost of the energy improvements on top of the approved mortgage. FHA EEMs provide mortgage insurance for a person to purchase or refinance a principal residence and incorporate the cost of energy efficient improvements into the mortgage. The borrower does not have to qualify for the additional money and does not make a downpayment on it. The mortgage loan is funded by a lending institution, such as a mortgage company, bank, or savings and loan association, and the mortgage is insured by HUD. FHA insures loans. FHA does not provide loans.
Type of Mortgage:
EEM is one of many FHA programs that insure mortgage loans–and thus encourage lenders to make mortgage credit available to borrowers who would not otherwise qualify for conventional loans on affordable terms (such as first time homebuyers) and to residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods (where mortgages may be hard to get). Borrowers who obtain FHA's popular Section 203(b) Mortgage Insurance for one to four family homes are eligible for approximately 96.5 percent financing, and are able to add the upfront mortgage insurance premium to the mortgage. The borrower must also pay an annual premium.
EEM can also be used with the FHA Section 203(k) rehabilitation program and generally follows that program's financing guidelines. For energy efficient housing rehabilitation activities that do not also require buying or refinancing the property, borrowers may also consider HUD's Title 1 Home Improvement Loan program.
How to Get a EEM:
To apply for an FHA insured energy efficient mortgage, contact an FHA approved lender
Eligible Customers:
All persons who meet the income requirements for FHA's standard Section 203(b) insurance and can make the monthly mortgage payments are eligible to apply. The cost of the energy improvements and estimate of the energy savings must be determined by a home energy rating system (HERS) or an energy consultant. The cost of an energy inspection report and related fees may be included in the mortgage. Cooperative units are not eligible.
EEM can also be used with FHA's Section 203(h) program for mortgages made to victims of presidentially declared disasters. The mortgage must comply with both Section 203(h) requirements, as well as those for EEM. However, the program is limited to one unit detached houses.
Eligible Activities:
EEM can be used to make energy efficient improvements in one to four existing and new homes. The improvements can be included in a borrower's mortgage only if their total cost is less than the total dollar value of the energy that will be saved during their useful life.
A. The dollar amount of cost-effective energy improvements, plus cost of report and inspections
B. The lesser of 5% of
• The value of the property,
• 115% of the median area price of a single family dwelling
• 150% of the conforming Freddie Mac limit.
Who is Federal Housing Administration?
How is FHA funded?
What is FHA Mortgage Insurance?
Low Score Program
Credit scores from 500-579 qualify for 10% down 580+ qualifies for full 96.5 % loan with only 3.5% down-payment under some circumstances. All late payments and collections must be over 12 months old and credit must be reestablished with three creditors
No Score Program
if you have absolutely no score we can establish your credit worthiness using alternative, that is to say credit that does not usually report to credit reports, such as cell phone and car insurance.
Loan Fox offers Construction to Permanent loans for new manufactured and modular homes. Our One Time Close program provides construction financing, lot purchase and Permanent loan, all wrapped up in one loan. Why worry about re-qualifying, re-appraisals or incurring additional costs?
ACMC provides interim financing and administration for true one-time close staged funded construction-to-permanent loans. Designed for manufactured and modular housing, this programs allows Acceptance Capital Mortgage the ability to offer our clients this unique loan product.
Loan Fox underwrites and approves the permanent portion of the loan before the construction begins. The construction portion of the loan is also underwritten and approved. When all conditions for closing are cleared, other than the final construction related conditions, the closing will be coordinated. Once closed, construction can begin.
Because the permanent loan is closed before construction begins, there is no "re-qualifying" the borrower. This is a true one-time close; therefore, the borrowers will not need to return to the settlement agent for a second closing once construction is complete.
Benefits of One Time Construction Loan:
The Solution for Seniors
Problem- One of the problems in the housing market is that seniors, who have liquid assets are either feeling the pinch of the slow economy or are slowing down and are semi-retired or retired without the income they are accustomed to. They cannot show enough documented income to support the house they would like to purchase.
Solution- HUD has now authorized purchase mortgages with higher down payments and no verification of income or credit score for people over age 62 and a half. This mortgage has a fixed rate option and requires NO PAYMENT for the rest of the life of the owner-It is called a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage and it is now available for purchases.
“When we were ready to retire and move to Arizona, with adequate savings and funds for a down payment, we found that we did not qualify for a conventional mortgage because we could no longer offer proof of regular employment and income. A savvy friend suggested that we contact Drew Richman. With his help and our reverse mortgage we now live in our beautiful new home, with no worries about losing it and no more payments for the rest of our lives! “
– Ann Lamm, Sedona, Arizona
Reverse Mortgage Misconceptions
I could lose my home.
With a reverse mortgage you retain ownership of your home and control of the title. You can remain in your home as long as you wish and cannot be evicted or forced to sell.
The lender will own my home.
The fact is that you retain title and ownership to your home, and can choose to sell your home anytime you wish. The lender cannot force you from your home or foreclose on you as long as you maintain your home and pay your property taxes and homeowners insurance.
My children or heirs will be responsible for the repayment of the loan.
A reverse mortgage is a non-recourse loan, which means that your house stands alone for the debt. The lender can only derive repayment of the loan from the sale or refinance proceeds of the home. You or your estate can never owe more than the home's value at the time the loan is repaid.
I must own my home free and clear in order to qualify for a reverse mortgage.
Not true. If you have a balance on a mortgage or home equity loan, a portion of the proceeds from the reverse mortgage will be used to pay off your existing loan, thereby eliminating your current house payment. You are then free to do whatever you wish with the remaining funds available to you from the reverse mortgage.
I must have good credit and income to qualify for a reverse mortgage.
Your credit or income is not even a consideration when applying for a reverse mortgage.
Only the "cash poor" or desperate seniors that failed to plan for retirement get reverse mortgages.
Although some seniors may have a greater need than others for the cash or monthly income, reverse mortgages have become a popular financial planning and estate-planning tool. Long term health care insurance and in home health care are popular uses for reverse mortgage proceeds. A growing number of people who have no immediate need are taking out these loans so that they have a financial cushion for future expenses.
By getting a reverse mortgage I would be living off of borrowed money.
The money from a reverse mortgage is already your money. It's just that it's trapped in your home and not accessible to you unless you take out some type of mortgage. All other mortgages, except a reverse mortgage, require you to make payments back to the lender. But with a reverse mortgage you make no payments because no payments are required. You do not repay the loan for as long as you choose to live in your home. You are simply accessing money that is already yours through a safe government insured program. And best of all it is TAX-FREE.
When a reverse mortgage comes due, the bank sells my home.
Not true. At the time the last borrower permanently leaves the home the loan must be repaid. At that time, you or your heirs can either pay the balance due on the reverse mortgage, through a traditional refinance or from other assets and keep the home, or sell the home and use the proceeds to pay off the reverse mortgage.
The Reverse Mortgage will impact my Social Security or Medicare.
Not true. Reverse mortgage proceeds do NOT affect any other benefits except perhaps MediCal. However, if your payout options are structured properly, even MediCal will not be affected.
A Reverse Mortgage is expensive.
While a reverse mortgage generally costs more than a conventional loan, it is much less expensive on a monthly basis with no minimum monthly payment required
Contact Information
Corporate Office Phone: (509) 359-9149
Address: 4811 N Market St., Spokane, WA 99217
Contact Information
Corporate Office Phone: (509) 359-9149
Address: 4811 N Market St.
Spokane, WA 99217
Business Hours
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In all jurisdictions where licensed, the principal (Main) licensed location of Loan Fox Inc. is 4811 N Market St
Spokane, WA 99217 Phone: Toll free
855-400-2906 or Local